
Thursday August 20, 2015

Local Artist Bruce Jones Receives RCLC Environmental Award

2024-02-08T16:34:06-08:00August 20, 2015|

Each year, RCLC presents an Environmental Award for a work entered in the Art In the Redwoods Festival that captures the beauty and spirit of our local natural environment. This summer the award was presented to Bruce Jones for his watercolor entitled "Dawn At The Beach."

Friday January 9, 2015

An Artistic Celebration of RCLC’s Public Access Art Exhibit – January 2015, Gualala Arts Center

2024-02-08T15:10:08-08:00January 9, 2015|

RCLC's first art show, celebratingon Friday, January 9th. The reception was very well attended with over 100 guests enjoying great art in many media, great food and great company.

Monday March 31, 2014

Regional Groups Play Major Role in Stornetta Expansion of National Monument

2024-02-09T14:46:27-08:00March 31, 2014|

National Monument status doesn't happen overnight. Land has to be identified and placed in conservation with the help of willing landowners; then someone has to request review for national monument status; then the Bureau of Land Management has to agree...

Saturday March 15, 2014

In Remembrance of Charles Murphy, 1944 – 2014

2024-02-08T16:53:34-08:00March 15, 2014|

Charles D. Murphy III, 70, died peacefully in his home at The Sea Ranch, CA. on February 28, 2014, after a long courageous battle with leukemia. While we mourn Charlie's passing, we also celebrate his life -- the life of a bright, energetic and visionary RCLC Director.

Monday December 31, 2012

RCLC Resumes Outreach to Local Landowners to Help Protect L ocal Endangered Species

2024-02-09T16:26:30-08:00December 31, 2012|

In the second year of our project, Redwood Coast Land Conservancy [RCLC], the local land trust conserving the coast between the Navarro and Russian Rivers, is continuing outreach to landowners to identify and help preserve habitat for a local federally-listed endangered species, the Behren's Silverspot Butterfly.

Friday January 13, 2012

Historic Stewarts Point Ranch Purchased

2024-02-13T16:17:59-08:00January 13, 2012|

Save the Redwoods League and The Pacific Forest Trust (PFT) have recently completed the purchase of Stewarts Point Ranch, an 871-acre coastal redwood property just to the south of The Sea Ranch.

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