The Bridge

Graphite drawing by Ginger Thompson-Veys, 1st place

RCLC’s first art show, celebratingon Friday, January 9th. The reception was very well attended with over 100 guests enjoying great art in many media, great food and great company. RCLC’s coastal public access locations thru art, was on exhibit for the month of January at Gualala Arts Center. 47 pieces were entered and on display for the opening reception

Photos from the opening reception

Photos courtesy of Harry & Lois Lutz

Photos of three winning entries

from Mark Hancock, Sketches, March 2015 Newsletter
Photos courtesy of Gualala Arts

The Bridge
graphite drawing by Ginger Thompson-Veys, 1st place

The Art of Perseverance
photo book by Mary Sue Ittner, 2nd place

Sandbar Opening from Bluff Trail
photograph by Rozann Grunig, 3rd place

“We were pleased with the wonderful entries submitted for this exhibit inspired by the three public access locations. Almost every entry was chosen by someone as one of their three favorites. Although the voting for second and third place was close, the clear winner was “The Bridge,” a graphite drawing by Ginger Thompson-Veys. Her drawing shows the bridge over the swale on the Gualala Bluff Trail that was built by volunteers. It is a familiar sight to those who walk the trail. In second place was “The Art of Perseverance,” my photo book of images taken between 2005 and 2014 on the Gualala Bluff Trail as the second phase of the Gualala Bluff Trail was started, delayed and finished. The favorite in third place was a photograph taken by Rozann Grunig entitled “Sandbar Opening from Bluff Trail” showing the Gualala River breaking through to the ocean.” – Mary Sue Ittner

Mary Sue Ittner, RCLC Advisor, took on the daunting task of proposing the art show to the Gualala Arts Board of Directors, the call to artists, gathering art work and hanging the show – all the tasks of a curator extraordinaire, with the help of Robert Rutemoeller, Harmony Susalla and the excellent staff and volunteers of Gualala Arts. Many thanks to Mary Sue from everyone at Redwood Coast Land Conservancy.

For more information about the exhibit, read An Artistic Celebration of RCLC’s Public Access on the Gualala Arts website.

Photos of all entries in the exhibit can be viewed at RCLC Public Access Gualala Arts Exhibit on Google+.