
Sunday November 8, 2015

RCLC Allies With Other Groups Protecting Our Local Coastal Environment

2024-02-08T16:47:18-08:00November 8, 2015|

This year RCLC has assisted the California Marine Protected Area Collaborative Implementation Project by participating in the Mendocino MPA Collaborative. RCLC stewards Hearn Gulch, which is adjacent to Saunders Reef MPA.

Saturday September 19, 2015

Volunteers Turn Out for Coastal Cleanup Day

2024-02-18T14:53:15-08:00September 19, 2015|

With support from the California Coastal Commission, Mendocino Land Trust, and several other organizations, RCLC organized volunteers to clean up three beaches in Southern Mendocino County as part of California Coastal Cleanup Day; Manchester State Beach, Schooner Gulch and Cooks Beach/Bonham Trail on September 19, 2015.

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