RCLC Awards Given for Environmental Art
Last year RCLC sponsored two Gualala Arts Center awards to artists whose works best captured the beauty of our natural coastal environment.
Last year RCLC sponsored two Gualala Arts Center awards to artists whose works best captured the beauty of our natural coastal environment.
Mark Chapell, shown in the photo with board members Lois Lutz and Shirley Eberly, is the new owner of one of the two lots on RCLC's Hathaway Creek Conservation Easement in Point Arena.
The long process of designing a formal public access to the Hearn Gulch Headlands and Beach while, at the same time, protecting the property's abundant environmentally sensitive habitat areas (ESHAs), is nearing a successful conclusion.
"Last winter, fierce storms ripped away parts of the stairs to Walk On Beach at The Sea Ranch. But the second of those storms also left hundreds of small stones, unlike any I have seen before or since, colored in shades of mauve, peach, purple and ivory, often swirled together in the same rock."
Hearn Gulch belongs to you, the public, for your ocean access pleasure.
Gualala artist Ron Bolander won RCLC's Environmental Award at the 2002 Art in the Redwoods Show.
You may wander or watch whales, whitecaps and whimbrels...when you walk alone or with friends along the Bluff Trail today. Tomorrow think about an Autumn 2003 extension from the Surf Motel south to Oceansong Restaurant.
Directly below the trail lies the Gualala River estuary and summertime lagoon, where the river meets the sea. Here is one of the best places along the coast to observe nature in action.
As of Friday, December 14, 2001, RCLC, on behalf of the public, is the new owner of the Hearn Gulch Beach and Headlands. Congratulations!