
In addition to our volunteer Board of Directors, RCLC also has many ambitious community volunteers who work on a wide variety of projects.

RCLCs Volunteers may:

  • Attend workdays at Mill Bend Preserve and other locations
  • Remove invasive plants
  • Restore habitats, plant native plants
  • Build / maintain trails
  • Assist with event planning and prepping of event materials
  • Assist in promoting RCLC events and projects
  • Lead tours and conduct programs for school groups, help with special events and projects
  • Suggest ways they can utilize their skills and prior experience to preserve, restore, and share lands that RCLC manages.
  • Qualified volunteers may be invited to research and recommend grant opportunities. Your expertise is appreciated!
  • Have fun with other volunteers – your help is appreciated!

In addition to scheduled work parties that appear on our event calendar, there are two weekly volunteer gatherings. Please email the person listed below to make sure the group will be active the day you plan to come.

  • Most Tuesdays 9:30 AM -11:30 AM Gualala Bluff Trail maintenance. Contact Bob Rutemoeller: bobrutem@gmail.com
  • Most Tuesdays 9:00 AM-11:30 AM Cemetery Restoration: Mill Bend Preserve. Contact Perk Perkins: rjperks@pacbell.com

If you would like more information about volunteering or would like to be emailed about work parties and other opportunities to volunteer, please email rclc@rclc.org or fill out the form below:

Photo credits: Banner – Susan Moreschi; Volunteers – Anne Hanlon; Gallery photos from RCLC Archives. Credits include Deanna Boettcher, Harriet Pecot, Anne Hanlon, Dave Shpak