RCLC currently has a planning grant from the State Coastal Conservancy to support two project parcels acquired in recent years. The grant provides funding for preliminary studies, permit development and permit fees required for improvements on the coast and bluff top. The proximity of these parcels to one another and inclusion in the Mendocino County Local Coastal Plan allow these processes to run concurrently, giving RCLC some economies and efficiencies in combining contracts with botanists, archeologists and surveyors. As studies are completed, the design of the parcels can be evaluated with sensitivity to the findings and applications for coastal development permits can be considered. Actual improvements will need to be funded by future grants and the support of RCLC fundraising once coastal development permits are approved.
Will’s Rest

Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman,
California Coastal Records Project, Californiacoastline.org
Botanical and archaeology survey work has been completed for “Will’s Rest” a coastal parcel donated by Rita Milhollin, in memory of her son, William Craig Whiteley. This parcel lies north of Anchor Bay and sits on the bluff top with no beach access. The views are amazing and the geology is worthy of further academic study. RCLC field visits and the botanical report reveal that this two-acre parcel, donated in 2009, is an unusually rich habitat for native plants. RCLC will be very sensitive to the unique conditions and diversity in assessing how best to manage limited public access while preserving native plants. Improvements will include a memorial marker dedicating the preserved land to Will and his love of this place. The marker will also display the names of Will’s family and friends who have helped fund the project.
Getchell Cove
RCLC is closer to resolving Getchell Cove technicalities and issues with recorded easements for each of the three adjoining parcels which comprise the project.
This coastal bluff access project provides access from Hwy. 1 to the bluff edge at the north end of the project boundary. The lateral trail easements provide views parallel to the bluff edge across three contiguous parcels.
These easements were originally accepted by RCLC in 2010 from an Offer to Dedicate as condition of a minor subdivision. We hope to complete the planning and permitting activities with the proceeds of the same grant for Will’s Rest. These easements south of Anchor Bay run parallel to the bluff top high above the beach. Beach access is impossible and prohibited but the view shed is spectacular west of the forest along Highway 1.
Please be aware that neither of these projects is open to the public as yet. Both projects will require further fundraising to support improvements and public access stewardship once the planning grant is expended. RCLC hopes to coordinate some small field trips to Will’s Rest in the near future. If you would like to join us for a future field trip, we would be pleased to show off the parcel in its most pristine condition and include supporters who have an interest in the planning process of a unique and sensitive environment. It’s never too soon to identify interested volunteer monitors as part of the stewardship initiative. If you are interested in becoming a monitor, please contact Linda Bell, Executive Director.