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[fusion_dropcap color=”” text_color=”” boxed=”no” boxed_radius=”” class=”” id=””]O[/fusion_dropcap]nce upon a time a little girl named Little Red Ricing Hood decided to take her grandma a basket of cookies.  Her grandmother lived on the other side of the forest.  So Little Red Riding Hood baked three dozen cookies for her grandma…


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Have fun in the sun at Cooks Beach.  Have a picnic, take your dog for a walk, surf, swim, and enjoy.

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Have fun in the sun at Cooks Beach.  Have a picnic, take your dog for a walk, surf, swim, and enjoy.

[/fusion_flip_box][fusion_flip_box title_front=”Cooks Beach” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.1″ flip_direction=”right” text_front=”Find our more about Cooks Beach” icon=”fa-ad fas” image=”×133.jpg” image_id=”7694|medium” image_max_width=”300″ background_color_front=”#48c4be” title_front_color=”#a3fc5f” text_front_color=”#000000″ text_back_color=”#ffffff”]

Have fun in the sun at Cooks Beach.  Have a picnic, take your dog for a walk, surf, swim, and enjoy.



Now is the time for all good mento come to the aid of their country

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[fusion_person name=”Jim Elias” title=”Executive Director” linktarget=”_self” hover_type=”zoomout” show_custom=”no” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_delay=”0″ hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” picture=”×271.jpg” picture_id=”10715|medium” pic_style=”dropshadow” pic_style_blur=”11″ pic_bordersize=”8″ pic_bordercolor=”#efefef” pic_borderradius=”8″]Jim has devoted his professional life to leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to natural resource conservation and community development objectives. Elias’ work spearheaded acquisition initiatives that permanently protected more than 60,000 acres of natural, recreational, and agricultural landscapes in the Sierra, Rocky Mountains, and Intermountain West.

“Impactful and lasting conservation is always a shared effort. I’m honored to join RCLC’s committed team toward preserving our coastal lands and providing new points of public access,” Elias said. “On a personal note, my family and I have deep roots in the North Bay. You can often find us in the ocean, on a river, or wandering the back roads of the Coast Range by bike.”[/fusion_person]

[fusion_person name=”Mark Escajeda” title=”President RCLC” linktarget=”_self” hover_type=”zoomout” show_custom=”no” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_delay=”0″ hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” picture=”×200.jpg” picture_id=”10515|medium” pic_style=”dropshadow” pic_style_blur=”11″ pic_bordersize=”8″ pic_bordercolor=”#efefef” pic_borderradius=”8″]“When someone receives so much over the course of their lifetimes, to give back seems the only logical choice. Redwood Coast Land Conservancy offered me a chance on an October Saturday back in 2020, working with other volunteers pulling out invasive plants clogging the understory of Mill Bend Preserve. All the joy of getting dirt under my fingernails while simultaneously doing good kept me coming back for more. We have so much more work to do and I could not be more proud working with people who appreciate each other’s contributions and teach me new things every day.”

Mark works part-time as a pediatric anesthesiologist at PDI Surgery Center in Windsor, Northern California’s only nonprofit specialty dental center devoted to serving both children and developmentally delayed adults. He worked previously at Children’s Hospital Oakland, now part of the UCSF/Benioff Children’s Hospital system. He, Carol and son Andrew live in Gualala. Daughter Marol lives in Southern California and cannot visit Mendonoma enough.
“Impactful and lasting conservation is always a shared effort. I’m honored to join RCLC’s committed team toward preserving our coastal lands and providing new points of public access,” Elias said. “On a personal note, my family and I have deep roots in the North Bay. You can often find us in the ocean, on a river, or wandering the back roads of the Coast Range by bike.”[/fusion_person]

[fusion_person name=”John Walton” title=”Past President” linktarget=”_self” hover_type=”zoomout” show_custom=”no” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_delay=”0″ hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” picture=”” picture_id=”9308|full” pic_style=”dropshadow” pic_style_blur=”11″ pic_bordersize=”8″ pic_bordercolor=”#efefef” pic_borderradius=”8″]“I first drove through Gualala in 1976 and was so taken with the natural beauty that I decided to live here. My wife Lynn and I married here in 1989, built our home, and still awaken amazed every day. We’ve spent much of our 40 years together in outdoor activities and are committed to enjoying and protecting the local environment. Membership on the Board of RCLC offers me the opportunity to engage with an experienced and dedicated group of environmentalists to protect more of our coastal lands, increase public access, and restore the environment to the benefit of all of our neighbors, human, critters, and plants.”

John’s first involvement with organized environmental action was in mid-1970 with Catfish Alliance in Tallahassee, Florida addressing concerns with the rapidly developing nuclear power industry. He has remained involved in environmental causes as an activist and conservationist.

John had a career in non-profit healthcare spanning more than 40 years. He began working in mental health as a therapist, transitioning to administration, culminating in the position of administrator of a full spectrum mental healthcare system. He completed advanced training in clinical psychology and mediation that facilitated his career. John has always believed that working collaboratively to achieve goals and address issues to the benefit of all is the most effective and rewarding path.

Mark works part-time as a pediatric anesthesiologist at PDI Surgery Center in Windsor, Northern California’s only nonprofit specialty dental center devoted to serving both children and developmentally delayed adults. He worked previously at Children’s Hospital Oakland, now part of the UCSF/Benioff Children’s Hospital system. He, Carol and son Andrew live in Gualala. Daughter Marol lives in Southern California and cannot visit Mendonoma enough.
“Impactful and lasting conservation is always a shared effort. I’m honored to join RCLC’s committed team toward preserving our coastal lands and providing new points of public access,” Elias said. “On a personal note, my family and I have deep roots in the North Bay. You can often find us in the ocean, on a river, or wandering the back roads of the Coast Range by bike.”[/fusion_person]


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Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Gualala Bluff Trail” icon_color=”var(–awb-custom_color_1)” icon=”fa-anchor fas”]

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Hearn Gulch” icon_color=”var(–awb-custom_color_1)” icon=”fa-adjust fas”]

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Mill Bend Preserve” icon_color=”var(–awb-custom_color_1)” icon=”fa-hiking fas”]Your Content Goes Here[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title=”Gualala Cemetery” icon_color=”var(–awb-custom_color_1)” icon=”fa-allergies fas”]Your Content Goes Here[/fusion_tab][/fusion_tabs]


Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

Redwood Coast Land Conservancy provides a wonderful opportunity to preserve and restore land on the Mendonoma coast.

Mark Escajeda, Santa Rosa Medical Services


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