Published March 3, 2023
Copyright Independent Coast Observer
The January storms that left many without power for days scoured all the sand from Cooks Beach, leaving only rocks. That was the startling news from Redwood Coast Land Conservancy (RCLC), which manages the Cooks Beach conservation easement.
In addition, the storm eroded the trail and pounded the stair railing with giant logs, leaving the railing bent and twisted, according to RCLC’s Joel Chaban. “Then subsequent storms moved rocks up the beach and piled them onto and against the concrete stairway,” Chaban said.

Volunteer chip spreaders at Cooks Beach (left to right) included Andres Amador, Stuart Gloun Deanna Boettcher, and Joel Chaban. Photo courtesy of Redwood Coast Land Conservancy.
The organization is in the process of repairing the damage. “Last weekend, volunteers spread wood chips donated and delivered by The Sea Ranch Association along the trail,” Chaban reported. “The chips help prevent further erosion and provide a barrier to muddy spots along the trail,” he said.
The damaged railing will be replaced “soon,” he said. However, before the railing can be replaced, a “ton of rocks” and a few logs need to be removed from on and around the base of the stairs.
The organization is still looking for both volunteers and donations to finish the repairs. Donations to RCLC help to pay for the repair and maintenance of Cooks Beach trail and stairs. You can sign up as a volunteer or donate at rclc. org.