RCLC celebrates the official opening of the Bonham Trail to Cooks Beach.
This spring, RCLC celebrated the completion of two public access projects with grand opening ceremonies attended by funders, government officials, RCLC members and volunteers.
After many years of planning and shovel work by RCLC volunteers, both the Hearn Gulch Headlands and the Bonham Trail to Cooks Beach projects have been completed.
These two RCLC projects provide visitors and residents alike with two beautiful spots where they can enjoy the bluffs and beaches along our stretch of the coast.

Standing with key RCLC project volunteers, Hearn Gulch Project Manager Dave Scholz describes the history of the project at the opening ceremony for Hearn Gulch Headlands. From left to right: Harry Lutz, Fred McElroy, Jon Thompson, John Moelter, Ray Jackman and Dave Scholz.
Hearn Gulch Headlands
Grand opening ceremonies in May celebrated the completion of RCLC’s Hearn Gulch project. RCLC has restored the Hearn Gulch Headlands to its natural beauty by protecting the bluffs from vehicles and allowing the native vegetation to return. RCLC has also improved the trail down to the Hearn Gulch beach by placing steps and railings for easier access.