For the past fifteen years, the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy has been working to preserve our natural environment and to provide public access to local bluffs and beaches. We can all take pride in what has been accomplished through the hard work of our many volunteers and the generous financial support of our local community.

July 1992 Redwood Coast Land Conservancy is formed with the encouragement of The Gualala Area Coalition, the predecessor to GMAC.

October 1994 As the local land trust, RCLC accepts the OTD (offers to dedicate) easements offered by the Bower family and others as a condition for developing their oceanfront properties. RCLC begins planning for Phase One of the Gualala Bluff Trail.

Summer 1995 Mendocino County formally adopts the Gualala Town Plan, which describes the Gualala Bluff Trail easements as the town’s primary public access to ocean views.

Summer 1998 RCLC completes the first phase of the trail, a 500-foot landscaped path which runs along the bluff behind the Sea Cliff Center and the Surf Motel. Planning begins for Phase Two of the trail.

March 2000 The six-acre Hathaway Creek Conservation Easement is established to preserve open space and wildlife habitat.

December 2001 RCLC purchases the north end of Hearn Gulch through a $320,000 grant from the Coastal Conservancy to provide public access to the bluffs and improve the trail down to the pocket beach.

July 2002 RCLC accepts an OTD easement from John and Mary Sue Erickson along St. Orres Creek directly across from St. Orres Inn and Restaurant.

July 2003 RCLC accepts an OTD easement from the Bonham family for a public access trail to Cooks Beach.

March 2004 The southern addition for Hearn Gulch is purchased with a $250,000 grant from the Coastal Conservancy.

October 2004 After RCLC meets all the planning requirements and public hearings are held, Mendocino County grants RCLC a building permit to construct Phase Two of the Gualala Bluff Trail.

February 2005 RCLC begins work on Phase Two of the Gualala Bluff Trail. Work on trail segment crossing Bower property is halted by lawsuit.

June 2005 RCLC receives a $100,000 grant from Coastal Conservancy to develop public access for St. Orres and Cooks Beach and a grant from Mendocino Community Foundation for improvements on Hearn Gulch.

November 2005 RCLC receives a $105,000 supplemental grant for Gualala Bluff Trail.

October 2006 Hearn Gulch permit approved by Mendocino County. Later Coastal Commission review scales back parking area.

January 2007 Pedestrian bridge west of Breakers Inn is completed.

April 2007 After lawsuit is settled, work resumes on Bower property segment of trail. Landscaping mounds and bollards are placed to define trail.

May 2007 RCLC receives final approval to proceed with the Bonham/Cooks Project. Work on the trail will begin in the fall of 2007.