The Alleys, photo by Scott Chieffo

Scott Chieffo in action
Each year, RCLC presents an Environmental Award for a work entered in the Art In the Redwoods (AIR) Festival that captures the beauty and spirit of our local natural environment. This summer the award was presented to Scott Chieffo of Gualala for his photo of Bowling Ball Beach entitled The Alleys (below). This photo also captured 2nd Place for the Color Photography Award at AIR.
Scott has been immersed in nature photography for the 10 years he’s lived here on the Coast. He says, “As far as local conservation goes, the thing I’m most proud of is providing many of the images used in the presentations prepared for the recently successful effort to add the Stornetta Lands to the California Coastal National Monument.” RCLC is proud of your efforts as well, Scott.